Sunday, April 14, 2024

Updates and a Writing Masterclass

 I participated in the Write2Ignite Fantasy Writing masterclass taught by Amy Earls. Here is a screenshot of our breakout room session when Amy came to chat! 

I enjoy reading fantasy from time to time but have not written any but a few fairytales in the distant past. However, I'm feeling inspired after this masterclass, and I may try my hand at something new!

As for my picture book that is under contract, the editing process is done, and I've been collecting endorsements (at the publishing house's request) while I wait for the illustrator to finish with the artwork for the book. This is both exciting and scary! Will I like it or not? How could I not like it since it's about one of my favorite things—Christmas? I can't wait to see!

That's all for now. I've participated in 2.5 book launch teams for some of my colleagues. There is a learning curve to preparing to launch a new book, and I'm absorbing all the things!

Stay tuned for my updates in the coming weeks!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New Year, New Experiences

For my upcoming publication (Christmas picture book), I’m filling out an intense, multiple-page marketing form from the publisher’s marketing team. I’ve never worked with one of these before!

One question asks me to share five random/interesting facts about myself for their website. I have a few ideas, but I’m not sure what others would think is interesting or random (odd? weird? goofy?) about me. I feel pretty boring and routine. But oddly enough, I have a fascinating friend who would describe her life as boring too! Clearly we don’t see ourselves as others see us. Luckily, I have a lot of friends who gave me some great ideas for fun random facts!

To find out what those five random facts are, you’ll have to follow me on social media or follow my blog so you’ll know when those facts are shared on the Ambassador International website!

Keep following my journey to book publication and find out what goes into transforming an idea into a physical book!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Sorry for the Delay, Check this Out!

 Techie problems prevented me from posting this video in November, and I got wrapped up in the holidays and let it slide. Here is my news! Happy dance! Stick with me as I blog about this journey!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Waiting Is Hard!

Tonight Blogger has let me upload a photo! So here I am, waiting for something to arrive in my hands. Then I'll be ready to share my happy, thrilling news! But waiting is hard!


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Here Comes an Announcement!

 And the announcement is ...







that big news is coming later this week! I was about to blurt the news to everyone, but to do it justice, I need to tie up a few loose ends first. So stay tuned!

Not sure why Blogger won't let me upload a photo. Things seem to have changed since I was last here.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Calling All Chapter Book Writers! New Master Class Coming in September 2023!


The next Write2Ignite master class is scheduled for September 23, 2023. As a member of the leadership team, I can tell you we're so excited to have Marianne Hering teach us about writing chapter books and planning a series, both those for younger kids and older kids. 

Marianne currently works as a developmental editor for David C. Cook and is a best-selling children's author and author of the Imagination Station book series. I'm more of a picture book lover myself, but that doesn't mean I can't tackle a chapter book! In fact, I wrote a few for my cousins years ago. I can't wait to sit under Marianne's teaching and learn from her knowledge and experience!

Registration isn't open yet, but you can visit Write2ignite and watch for it! Follow the blog and learn from other writers, and you can even sign up for the newsletter, which will definitely tell you when registration is open for this master class. 

Happy writing in the meantime!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Authors, Take Note! April 22 Writing Workshop Is Coming Soon!

Exciting news! On April 22, Writing Mentor Kim Peterson will be presenting a Write2Ignite master class on "Hooks, Queries and Proposals" to help you create stellar sales pitches that will capture editors' attention. I'll be there with my latest manuscript!

This virtual Master Class will take place Saturday, April 22, and registration is open for one more week! Visit for more info.

#WritersJourney #WritersConference #WritingConference #PubTips #WritingClass #WritingWorkshop

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